
I worked in a group with three other students in order to create a website that worked to facilitate study sessions for students with the same major and time vacancies at our university. It is named UHStudyNet, as the name of our university as an acronym is UH. The main functions of the website include profile creation for each user and ways to search for other users. There is also a rating and ranking system that users can use to find more reputable students.

My main contributions to this project were the designing and implementing of the Add user to favorites, Report user, and reputation functions. The add user to favorites was designed so that any user that is the current user’s favorite will show up on their home page. In addition, I also designed a way to (of course) remove any user from their favorites. The report user function allows a user to report another user, and also prompts them to input a reason as to why they are reporting that user. This information then appears on an admin-only page, where admins can view which users were reported by which users, and for what reasons. Finally, the reputation system is, in short, a ranking system. Users can give other users a positive rating, but not a negative rating. For every rating a user receives, his “Reputation” goes up by one, and the rankings of all users on the site can be viewed on a separate page.

The search page, along with options for a user.

From this experience, I learned a lot about how to use databases and GitHub, and also about how to work in a team. This was my first time working on a project of this scale, so at first, I wasn’t quite sure how using Git would work between the four of us. As we went along, however, I learned how to work on local machines and push the code up to our master branch, and then work on msking sure that the code was consistent and working between all of our group members. I also had a bit of trouble working with the database service, but solving the many problems that came up during the development of our project was an experience that I think that I can use in furutre projects.

You can find out more about UHStudyNet here.